Welcome to Trinity United Church of Christ,
May you experience the presence of God in unexpected places throughout our website. God has called each of us to be His hands and feet in this world and our church family follows God’s call as we reach out in service to others. We offer opportunities within the church to serve as well as within the community. We join together on Sunday morning at 9:45 am for worship as we praise God for His love and grace. Our children enjoy a special time of learning while the adults spend time hearing God’s Word through the scriptures and the sermon. We gather again on Wednesday evenings for bible study to learn more about the ways in which God has intended us to live. Jesus has taught us to love God with all our heart, mind, and soul and to love our neighbor as ourselves. We invite you to come and share with us the presence of the Holy spirit as we celebrate this life we have through Christ Jesus for our doors are open to all people no matter where you are on life’s journey you are welcome here.
-Blessings, Rev Shirley Musick
TribLive Feature Article Welcoming Pastor Shirley Musick to Trinity UCC: Female Minister Ready to Take Reins of Greensburg Church
May you experience the presence of God in unexpected places throughout our website. God has called each of us to be His hands and feet in this world and our church family follows God’s call as we reach out in service to others. We offer opportunities within the church to serve as well as within the community. We join together on Sunday morning at 9:45 am for worship as we praise God for His love and grace. Our children enjoy a special time of learning while the adults spend time hearing God’s Word through the scriptures and the sermon. We gather again on Wednesday evenings for bible study to learn more about the ways in which God has intended us to live. Jesus has taught us to love God with all our heart, mind, and soul and to love our neighbor as ourselves. We invite you to come and share with us the presence of the Holy spirit as we celebrate this life we have through Christ Jesus for our doors are open to all people no matter where you are on life’s journey you are welcome here.
-Blessings, Rev Shirley Musick
TribLive Feature Article Welcoming Pastor Shirley Musick to Trinity UCC: Female Minister Ready to Take Reins of Greensburg Church

Womens association
- Meets 2nd Monday of the Month at 6pm
- Meets every Wednesday at 6:30pm
Sunday School Students
- Children have the opportunity to explore bible stories with their teachers following the children's message during Worship on Sunday mornings.